DX8- fünf Flugmodi mit zwei Schaltern programmieren

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Ich hatte es damals nach dieser Anleitung gemacht.
Weiß aber nicht mehr von wo ich diese im Inet her hatte:

If you want 6 flights mode with Gear and Flightmode 1,2 switch with only using one channel (CH5) the following can be done with dx8 and maybe DX7:
Go to servo set up, set Gear to 85% and 65% in travel
Go to mixing:
Select Mix 1
Select GER >GER Set rate: to -31% and -23% ( these are the rates for gear sw pos '0' and Flight mode 1 and gear sw pos '1' and Flight mode 1)
Leave Offset at 0 %
leave Trim: set to Inh.
Set Sw to FM 1

Go to Mix 2
Select GER >GER Set rate: to -100% and -76% ( these are the rates for gear sw pos '0' and Flight mode 2 and gear sw pos '1' and Flight mode 2)
Leave Offset at 0 %
leave Trim: set to Inh.
Set Sw to FM 2
Then to check go into mission planner(APM setup), connect the arducopter and the radio then choose modes in the apm setup
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