Interessantes Teil...
Für die meisten Anwendungen werden die I/O aber reichen denke ich.
Wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe.
Wenn ich die Daten mit dem Nano vergleiche, hat das Teil einiges mehr an Dampf und einen größeren Speicher.
Arduino™ Nano 3.3
Technische Daten:
Microcontroller: ATmega328
Flash Speicher: 32 KB
Taktrate: 16 MHz
I/O-Pins: 14
-davon PWM: 6
-davon analoge Eingänge: 8
Anschluss: Mini-USB
LEDs: RXD, TXD, Power, Pin 13,
Größe: ca. 1,85 cm x 4,3 cm
Betriebsspannung: 5 V
Empfohlene Eingangsspannung: 7-12 V
Maximale Eingangsspannung: 20 V
Maximaler Strom pro I/O-Pin: 40 mA
Belastbarkeit des 3.3-V-Ausgangs: 50 mA
The ATOM X1 is the world’s smallest 32-bit arduino and breadboard compatible microcontroller measuring 14.9×14.9mm and weighing 0.95 grams. 256KB ROM, 32KB RAM, 48MHz clock, arduino zero bootloader. 8x I/O pins including 8x PWM, 6x ADC (Analog), Serial and I2C, 8x Digital. The ATOM X1 can be powered by either the Micro USB port, 3.3v to 20v input pin (regulated to 3.3v with a 3.3v output pin), or directly to the 3.3v pin.
The Atom X1 from Nerdonic is a tiny 32-bit microcontroller compatible with arduino and breadboard development. It’s not just small, its powerful too running at 48MHz clock with 256KB ROM, 32KB RAM and 8 pins filled with functionality. The Atom X1 is fully compatible with breadboard development and the Arduino IDE and comes with the Arduino Zero bootloader pre-flashed. Measuring just 14.9mm2 at 0.95 grams, the Atom X1 is small aswell as powerful. For size comparison is a UK 5 Pence coin (Equivilent size to a US Dime). Show your code status, an error or make it flash when each code loop is complete, the onboard programmable led can be programmed however you like.