5,8G SWR Meter für 100USD!

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Erfahrener Benutzer
The SWR Meter was designed and manufactured by OWLRC TEAM. Our lead designer, Flashback, he is a professional RF engineer also a fanatical FPV pilot, who designed the UI and most part of it.

After one year development, we finally start the production of the SWR METER.

The OWLRC SWR METER is a simple and handy device. The signal source is from an TS5823S 200mw VTX. Signal passes through directional coupler and detector diode converts the 5.8ghz signal to a Vfw(voltage forwarded) and Vrev(voltage reversed), the board calculates the SWR value in realtime based on: VSWR=[1+(Vrev/Vfwd)]/[1-(Vrev/Vfwd)], in order to analyze antenna's performance.


Für den Hobbykeller genau das richtige :)


I'll be watching you ...
Nach vielen Jahren hat nun wieder ein DIY Projekt aus RC Groups seinen Weg auf den Chinamarkt gefunden.
Wenn es gut kalibriert ist (oder wird) sicherlich ein klasse Tool für jeden FPV Freak. Nur handelt es sich letztendlich auch um einen 200mW 40Channel FPV Breitband Jammer, der auf dem Flugfeld nichts verloren hat :) .


Expert somehow
Nicht nur auf dem Flugfeld nicht... Das Teil hat bei Otto Normalflieger so oder so nix zu suchen, wenn man nicht im 3. Untergeschoss einer Betonburg seine eigenen Sachen indoor testen will.
The SWR Meter was designed and manufactured by OWLRC TEAM. Our lead designer, Flashback, he is a professional RF engineer also a fanatical FPV pilot, who designed the UI and most part of it.

After one year development, we finally start the production of the SWR METER.

The OWLRC SWR METER is a simple and handy device. The signal source is from an TS5823S 200mw VTX. Signal passes through directional coupler and detector diode converts the 5.8ghz signal to a Vfw(voltage forwarded) and Vrev(voltage reversed), the board calculates the SWR value in realtime based on: VSWR=[1+(Vrev/Vfwd)]/[1-(Vrev/Vfwd)], in order to analyze antenna's performance.

OWLRC 5.8G 200mw 40CH VTX TFT 2.8 Inch Touch Screen SWR METER SMA/RP-SMA Male

Für den Hobbykeller genau das richtige :)
Nice! I did something similar but the SWR output uses an excel spreadsheet to compute by entering 2 values.

I also have another DIY meter which outputs SWR in real-time but it is analog

In both my SWR meters, I used only Agilent (Mac-Technology)microwave directional coupler to get as much accuracy as possible. The price of any lab-grade coupler already exceeds the listed price of your product on Banggood. I guess you are fabricating your own PCB micro-strip coupler. For hobbyists, it will be fine so I am not complaining.
Looking forward to order one!
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