Hallo an alle,
ich versuche gerade meine erste FPV Drohne einzurichten. Die hat einen Geprc ELRS, welchen ich flashen will. Kann mir jemand die Fehlermeldung erklären?
Danke schonmal im Voraus
** Searching flight controllers **
> FC found from 'COM3'
Detected the following serial ports on this system:
======== PASSTHROUGH INIT ========
Trying to initialize COM3 @ 420000
No CLI available. Already in passthrough mode?, If this fails reboot FC and try again!
======== RESET TO BOOTLOADER ========
* Using full duplex (CRSF)
Cannot detect RX target, blindly flashing!
esptool.py v4.2.1
Serial port COM3
WARNING: Pre-connection option "no_reset" was selected. Connection may fail if the chip is not in bootloader or flasher stub mode.
ich versuche gerade meine erste FPV Drohne einzurichten. Die hat einen Geprc ELRS, welchen ich flashen will. Kann mir jemand die Fehlermeldung erklären?
Danke schonmal im Voraus
** Searching flight controllers **
> FC found from 'COM3'
Detected the following serial ports on this system:
======== PASSTHROUGH INIT ========
Trying to initialize COM3 @ 420000
No CLI available. Already in passthrough mode?, If this fails reboot FC and try again!
======== RESET TO BOOTLOADER ========
* Using full duplex (CRSF)
Cannot detect RX target, blindly flashing!
esptool.py v4.2.1
Serial port COM3
WARNING: Pre-connection option "no_reset" was selected. Connection may fail if the chip is not in bootloader or flasher stub mode.