Config.h lädt hoch - aber GUI geht nicht auf grün


Erfahrener Benutzer
So jetzt komm ich nicht weiter.
Wenn ich im Abschnitt GPS das I2C einkommentiere
/*********************** GPS **************************/

/* GPS using a SERIAL port
if enabled, define here the Arduino Serial port number and the UART speed
note: only the RX PIN is used in case of NMEA mode, the GPS is not configured by multiwii
in NMEA mode the GPS must be configured to output GGA and RMC NMEA sentences (which is generally the default conf for most GPS devices)
at least 5Hz update rate. uncomment the first line to select the GPS serial port of the arduino */

//#define GPS_SERIAL 2 // should be 2 for flyduino v2. It's the serial port number on arduino MEGA
//#define GPS_PROMINI_SERIAL // Will Autosense if GPS is connected when ardu boots.

// avoid using 115200 baud because with 16MHz arduino the 115200 baudrate have more than 2% speed error (57600 have 0.8% error)
//#define GPS_BAUD 9600

/* GPS protocol
NMEA - Standard NMEA protocol GGA, GSA and RMC sentences are needed
UBLOX - U-Blox binary protocol, use the ublox config file (u-blox-config.ublox.txt) from the source tree
MTK_BINARY16 and MTK_BINARY19 - MTK3329 chipset based GPS with DIYDrones binary firmware (v1.6 or v1.9)
With UBLOX and MTK_BINARY you don't have to use GPS_FILTERING in multiwii code !!! */

//#define NMEA
//#define UBLOX
//#define MTK_BINARY16
//#define MTK_BINARY19
//#define INIT_MTK_GPS // initialize MTK GPS for using selected speed, 5Hz update rate and GGA & RMC sentence or binary settings

/* I2C GPS device made with an independant arduino + GPS device
including some navigation functions
contribution from EOSBandi
You have to use at least I2CGpsNav code r33 */
#define I2C_GPS
// If your I2C GPS board has Sonar support enabled
//#define I2C_GPS_SONAR

/* GPS data readed from Misio-OSD - GPS module connected to OSD, and MultiWii read GPS data from OSD - tested and working OK ! */
//#define GPS_FROM_OSD

/* indicate a valid GPS fix with at least 5 satellites by flashing the LED - Modified by MIS - Using stable LED (YELLOW on CRIUS AIO) led work as sat number indicator
- No GPS FIX -> LED blink at speed of incoming GPS frames
- Fix and sat no. bellow 5 -> LED off
- Fix and sat no. >= 5 -> LED blinks, one blink for 5 sat, two blinks for 6 sat, three for 7 ... */
dann sieht meine GUI so aus:
Wenn ich I2C auskommentiere und UBLOX reinnehme und die Baud Rate auf 9600 stelle
/*********************** GPS **************************/

/* GPS using a SERIAL port
if enabled, define here the Arduino Serial port number and the UART speed
note: only the RX PIN is used in case of NMEA mode, the GPS is not configured by multiwii
in NMEA mode the GPS must be configured to output GGA and RMC NMEA sentences (which is generally the default conf for most GPS devices)
at least 5Hz update rate. uncomment the first line to select the GPS serial port of the arduino */

//#define GPS_SERIAL 2 // should be 2 for flyduino v2. It's the serial port number on arduino MEGA
//#define GPS_PROMINI_SERIAL // Will Autosense if GPS is connected when ardu boots.

// avoid using 115200 baud because with 16MHz arduino the 115200 baudrate have more than 2% speed error (57600 have 0.8% error)
#define GPS_BAUD 9600

/* GPS protocol
NMEA - Standard NMEA protocol GGA, GSA and RMC sentences are needed
UBLOX - U-Blox binary protocol, use the ublox config file (u-blox-config.ublox.txt) from the source tree
MTK_BINARY16 and MTK_BINARY19 - MTK3329 chipset based GPS with DIYDrones binary firmware (v1.6 or v1.9)
With UBLOX and MTK_BINARY you don't have to use GPS_FILTERING in multiwii code !!! */

//#define NMEA
#define UBLOX
//#define MTK_BINARY16
//#define MTK_BINARY19
//#define INIT_MTK_GPS // initialize MTK GPS for using selected speed, 5Hz update rate and GGA & RMC sentence or binary settings

/* I2C GPS device made with an independant arduino + GPS device
including some navigation functions
contribution from EOSBandi
You have to use at least I2CGpsNav code r33 */
//#define I2C_GPS
// If your I2C GPS board has Sonar support enabled
//#define I2C_GPS_SONAR

/* GPS data readed from Misio-OSD - GPS module connected to OSD, and MultiWii read GPS data from OSD - tested and working OK ! */
//#define GPS_FROM_OSD

/* indicate a valid GPS fix with at least 5 satellites by flashing the LED - Modified by MIS - Using stable LED (YELLOW on CRIUS AIO) led work as sat number indicator
- No GPS FIX -> LED blink at speed of incoming GPS frames
- Fix and sat no. bellow 5 -> LED off
- Fix and sat no. >= 5 -> LED blinks, one blink for 5 sat, two blinks for 6 sat, three for 7 ... */
dann sieht meine GUI genauso aus.
Wenn ich das GPS abstecke vom I2C Port dann habe ich folgendes Ergebnis:

Kann mir da jemand helfen wie ich das richtig verkabele.


Back again
hast du die Anschlusskabel schon mal überprüft? Passt da alles oder sind vllt. kalte Lötstellen dabei?
Welches GPS benutzt du? Ist die richtige Baud Rate eingestellt?
Wenn du das GPS abhängst ist klar das er Fehler raushaut, es fehlt ja das Modul. Da müsstest du es auch noch in der Software auskommentieren.

Noch zur Config:
Du kannst mal versuchen den I2C Speed auf 400kHz zu setzen, sonst hätt ich nichts gesehen


Erfahrener Benutzer
Genau anders rum wars leider - die Fehler traten nur auf wenn es angehängt war.
Habs jetzt aber einfach an den Serial Port gehängt. Im Moment schauts gut aus.


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